How To Connect Your Godaddy Domain Name With Your Hostgator Web Hosting

Even though you already have your own Domain name and hosting account, it would be useless if you don't connect those 2 account. So now, I want to show you How To Connect Your Godaddy Domain Name With Your Hostgator Web Hosting so that you can start showing your websites or blogs online.

So here are the few things we are going to need before we can start this lesson:

1. You need a domain name. I recommend you get a domain name in Godaddy. If you don't know how to get one, here's my 9 Steps To Register Your Own Domain In Godaddy.

2. You also need a Web Hosting account. I recommend you get a web hosting account in Hostgator. If you don't know how, here's my 5 Simple Steps How To Get Your Own Web Hosting Account In Hostgator.

If you already have those 2 things above, then we can now start with this lesson.

1.) First thing you need to do is go to your Godaddy account and log in using your username and password.

2.) Once you're logged in, you're directed to the My Account section, there you can see a list of your recent domain names purchased. To see all your domain names, click on View all Domains In Domain Manager.

3.) Once you're in the Domain Manager already, click on the Domain Name you want to connect to your Hostgator Hosting account. In my case, it's the

4.) You will now be taken to a more advanced option page. Ignore everything in there and just look for this "Set Nameservers" under the Nameservers category, then click that link.

5.) A Box will then pop-out where you can now start changing your nameservers. But wait Jan! Where do I find these Nameservers to change the old one??? So now proceed to step 6. :D

6.) Remember the email Hostgator will send you after making a payment for your hosting account? The step 5 in the 5 Simple Steps How To Get Your Own Web Hosting Account In Hostgator. I told you to keep it in a safe place. It contains the Nameservers of your account and you have to copy those two (NS1 and NS2).

7.) Now change the old, original nameservers in there to your new one, the one you got from your hosting account. Then Click Okay and your DONE!

It will take some time (24 hours maximum) for your Nameservers to completely change because it still has to propagate through the Web. Just try refreshing the page and you might notice that it's done already because the Nameservers have already changed. After that, you can now start Installing your uploading files to your domain name and or Installing a self-hosted Wordpress blog in it.

If you've already done this, CONGRATULATIONS! This is the most Techie part when trying to Install and create a Wordpress blog! Imagine that?? :D After this lesson, we can now start Installing a Wordpress blog and start making money from these little profit instruments!

Feel Great Always!
Janmck Hilado

1 Comment to “How To Connect Your Godaddy Domain Name With Your Hostgator Web Hosting”

  • Erwin C. Cudis   September 21, 2010 at 12:25 AM

    hi jan, what's a hostgator? what's the difference between it and a blogspot account? sorry ha, newbie pa... hehehe

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