Archive for January 2009

Contact Me!

Author Jan Hilado    Category

Do you have any suggestions, complaints, link exchange, advertising proposals or just want to talk to me? Use the contact form I've provided below. If you have problems sending through the contact form, just try sending it again or you can just email me at janmckingley[at] Thanks!

You can also contact me through:
Cellphone #:
0922-8845847 (No Spamming Please)

For A Friend Who's Having Problems With Her Dad

Author Jan Hilado    Category ,

For my friend who's having problems with his dad's attitude towards his mom, all I can say is this:

It's difficult to change your dad's attitude now... Maybe it's time to change the way YOU deal with that situation, change your attitudes toward it... that instead of hating or holding a grudge against your dad, why not LOVE him much more now? Learn to APPRECIATE him more. Remember the times he made you feel HAPPY, His traits, his attitudes you once liked, and FOCUS on it. And every time you can imagine the Negative aspects in him, try to recall all the GOOD things in him and forget the bad ones. That way, you'll forget the bad side in him and learn to appreciate the good ones.

Remember, some people can be mean, and that's a fact. But you get to decide whether these facts make you a VICTIM or a VICTOR. You're the only one who can ruin your life, and you're the only one who can undo it. Don't let your anger and hate control you. You become what you THINK. ^_^