Are You... Smart? Or Lazy?

"When faced by a lion, don't try to run away.
The best way of survival is to confuse it."
:D (Flickr)
There's a very famous saying that goes.. (and I know you already know this), "If I/He/She/They/ Can Do It, YOU can do it!". It's a very powerful quote but I say, relying on that single principle alone is OVERRATED! So let me share my own and my Dad's version of saying that.

Since my Dad and I are both radical (but philosophical in some way) thinkers.. we were able to make another version of that saying. And here's what popped up in my mind. I said:

"If You Can't Do It, Others Can!"

So learn to delegate your weakness! And focus on your STRENGTHS.

I myself admit that I'm no Multi-talented like my "Kuya" Hanz is. I'm not great in arts and music, or in writing and speaking, or even in technical things like editing a video or photo or making a website. But 5 things are for sure I'm GREAT at:

  1. I have a very thick face or "Kapal Mukha" (or in Good words, "self-confidence"), that I can still speak in front of so many people without wetting my pants.
  2. I can easily formulate Great, Weird, or Wild (but working) IDEAS and CONCEPTS especially for business.
  3. I love selling and marketing.
  4. I love meeting new people
  5. and most of all, I love negotiating and making business with other people. And with that, I can find GREAT people who are the BEST in a certain area or talent and partner with them to work for my idea and concept to accomplish my goal.
So you don't need to have all the skills and talents in the world! You just have to work smart! You can't do everything alone but with GREAT People around you, nothing is impossible! :D

Now time for my Dad's own version of the saying it. And my dad said:

"If you won't do it, Others WILL!"

You're not the only one thinking of that GREAT IDEA! So Stop PROCRASTINATING!

If you know you can do it, with the help of your own STRENGTHS and with other great people's talents, FIRE! Outdo you competitors by being the first one to launch! :D. Go for the Ready, Fire, Aim Principle!

So my last quote for you will be:

"Just Do It! Whether you can or you can't! Either way, you can always do it!"

So you want to be SMART? or LAZY? :D

10 Comments to “Are You... Smart? Or Lazy?”

  • Anonymous   June 7, 2010 at 10:29 AM

    great post Jan!

  • Jay Castillo   June 7, 2010 at 10:51 AM

    I agree 100%! I also wish that in the near future, my son and I would also be like the father-and-son team you have there. :-)

  • elvinperia   June 7, 2010 at 5:18 PM

    Naks! This is a very moving post.. :D Good work.. :D

  • Author   June 7, 2010 at 5:33 PM

    there's one thing you forgot, jan!

    FOCUS is very important. You easily get intimated and get shrunk when you are out of track, these lions (I prefer to call mine giants) sway you.

    So be laser focused to your goal.

    I agree that "you don't need to have all the skills and talents in the world". But being SMART is actually a talent given by our Creator, lets use it wisely.

    Rock on!

  • Unknown   June 7, 2010 at 7:26 PM

    Great post Jan!

  • Jan Hilado   June 8, 2010 at 1:09 AM

    Thanks kuya! I know you will! hehehe! :D

  • Jan Hilado   June 8, 2010 at 1:10 AM

    hahha! You really need to "move" or else someone will. Ouch! :D

  • Jan Hilado   June 8, 2010 at 1:11 AM

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts here Novell!

    And yes absolutely, I can say that being SMART is a very special talent give to us by God. :)

  • Bjornson Bernales   June 9, 2010 at 5:03 AM

    Recently, your post is about personality development. I commend you on that. Sometimes, we need to be reminded by somebody. Without the parents, there are the philosophers (or the guidance counselors). But this time, bloggers also share a piece of what they learn and, in the process, help others.

    FOCUS is also important as what Novell has mentioned.

    And procrastinating really kills...

  • Joseph Librero   June 12, 2010 at 5:36 PM

    Hi Jan,
    Agree FOCUS on strength let others do what you cannot do.

    Taking a sip,

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