How To Make Your Own "Digital" Dream Boards / Visual Boards

My Digital Dream / Visual Board
You might have heard of a "Dream Board" of "Vision Board" hung on the walls of the house already. But have you seen a dream board that's right in front of your computer screen? The picture above is an example of that. And I made it myself. That's My Digital Dream Board or Visual Board. :) (Click it to see a larger version. Just click Back to continue reading my article)

I had an actual Dream Board made of Cut Pieces of beautiful pictures (stuffs) from Magazines, made it into a collage and placed it on a very big frame and hung up on my wall. 
My Actual Dream Board
But since I'm facing my Laptop more than my wall (who in the world would like facing the wall always, anyway??), I had an idea of turning my Desktop Wallpaper into my dream board. I know some of you have actual dream boards in your house but wouldn't it be much nicer if you can also place it in your computer to keep your mind from visualizing and attracting all the things you want? You want to know How To Make Your Own Digital Dream Boards?

So here's how I made my Digital Dream Board:
  1. I searched for a 1280 X 800 pixel image of a Wood Picture on Google. I just typed "Wood Background 1280 X 800" on Google. Once I found one, I saved it on my computer.
  2. I then searched in Google Image Search the pictures of my Dreams (e.g.: cars, houses, destinations, etc.) and saved the images in my computer.
  3. With the help of Adobe Photoshop, I pasted all my Dream images to the Wood Background and arranged them as I like. If you have no Adobe Photoshop, you can just use the Paint Program. You don't really need advanced image editing tools. :)
  4. Then I saved the image, then changed my Desktop Wallpaper to my new Digital Dream board!
  5. If you really don't know how to edit, ask someone to do it for you. I bet your kids know how to do it! :D
To those who don't know what a Dream Board is. It's just a simple Visualization Tool you can (or should) use to Attract more of the things you want in Life. Though I'm not really a fan of the Law Of Attraction, because I always believe in the power of God, I do believe that "What You Focus On, Grows". :)

The images in my Digital Dream Board are just some of my "Wants" in life. Some of those stuffs are for short term dreams (meaning I have to update my Digital Dream Board again once I've got what I wanted) and others for long term, like I want to own a 5 star Hotel beside the Beach (like in the lower left of the picture). So what are you waiting for? Start making your own Digital Dream Boards now and focus on the things you want! :)

2 Comments to “How To Make Your Own "Digital" Dream Boards / Visual Boards”

  • PinayMom   May 20, 2010 at 10:02 AM

    i liked this idea! thanks for sharing!

  • Jan Hilado   May 20, 2010 at 9:08 PM

    you're very much welcome! ALso make yours ate and let me see. :)

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