Top Books That Changed My Life (Must Reads!)

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If you want to achieve true freedom in life, whether it is in financial, or spiritual freedom, the first thing you can do right now is invest in your mind. Invest in your mind by reading books that can change your life.

I've seen so many people who read books so much but books that doesn't add value to their lives. Now it's time for you to add value to your life and soon, to others too by reading *Worth -Buying* books and sharing those books to others.

But why do we really need to read books? Because I know a lot of people who have great businesses but won't last long because they didn't have the right mindset. And reading books of people who are more successful than you is the key to have the correct mindset to succeed.

Here are the list of my books that changed my life and will also change yours. For Good.

1. Rich Dad, Poor Dad (By Robert Kiyosaki)
- Probably the first business book I've read. If you don't know where to start to achieve your true freedom, I recommend you read this book first. Totally changed my mindset about money.

2. The Millionaire Next Door (By William Danko and Thomas Stanley)
- Shocking truths of America's Wealthiest. You'll realize that the wealthiest Americans are those who don't live in a mansion or drive a very expensive car.

3. Secrets Of The Millionaire Mind (By T. Harv Eker)
- Learn how the true millionaires think and imitate them to achieve your own success. Can totally change the way you think, from the Poor Thinking to the Rich Thinking.

4. The One Minute Millionaire (By Mark Victor Hansen and Robert Allen)
- Discover the 4 Pillars To Financial Freedom. One of the pillars is through the Internet. Great book for business and money making ideas. It's also a very unique book because it caters to the 2 different book readers, those who love reading fictional stories or those who love reading the theoretical ones.

5. Better Than Good (By Zig Ziglar)
- Actually, I have the Audio Book Version of this, not the Physical Book. Listened to this a million times already over the car stereo. Great for people who are stuck being a mediocre.

6. The Dip (By Seth Godin)
- Find out why the 2nd placers are still a very long way to the 1st placers. Discover how you can be the "Best In the World" with what you do right now and Learn How and When To Quit, and when to stick.

7. The 4-Hour WorkWeek (By Timothy Ferris)
- The Best Book I've read so far on living the life you dreamed for! This book is my motivation and my inspiration to the lifestyle I'm living right now. Learn how the "New Rich" live. There's a Warning at the back of the book thought: WARNING: Don't read this book if you're not ready to quit your job.

8. The Success Principles (By Jack Canfield)
- I think the most complete self-help book that talks about "How To Get From Where You Are To Where You Want To Be". This book is like a reference book that you read over, and over again.

These are just some books I recommend you read too to achieve your dreams in life. I will list more books I have read about Marketing and other topics. Then after you have read it and changed your life, please also share it to other people who needs it. I don't even have all the copies of this books anymore because I've been sharing it to my friends. :)


1. 8 Secrets Of The Truly Rich (By Bo Sanchez)
- If you're a Filipino who lives in the Philippines, then I suggest you get a copy of this. This book is for people who have a wrong belief that having a lot of money is not good and evil.

5 Comments to “Top Books That Changed My Life (Must Reads!)”

  • Unknown   March 8, 2010 at 7:30 AM

    Oh! I remember you holding a Seth Godin book at the UCC! Wooooo! ;) Haha! If diamonds are forever, wisdom from books will stay for eternity. Naaaks! :))

  • Jan Hilado   March 9, 2010 at 1:41 AM

    hahaha! yeah I remember. :) Thanks for commenting Noi! ;)

  • elvinperia   March 9, 2010 at 6:32 AM

    Thanks for sharing.. I'm also a fan of these books! :D Keep reading!

  • PINOYWORLD Editor   March 30, 2010 at 10:16 PM

    Thank you for sharing JanMack.

    I'm starting my own list too... =) See you around.

  • Jan Hilado   March 30, 2010 at 10:39 PM

    You're welcome! I would like to see your list too! :)

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